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Affiliate Program

Interested in participating in our AFFILIATE program?  SIGN UP HERE

What exactly is an affiliate program?

Our affiliate program is an amazing way to earn store credit - simply by referring us to your clients and friends.  For every purchase completed by a client you refer to BENTLEY +LACE  you earn $10 in store credit.

How do I refer?

 Simply SIGN UP HERE  and join the referral program by completing an application.  Through your affiliate dashboard you will have access to your referral code/link.  You simply use your specific link when promoting to your friends and clients. You will use your affiliate dashboard to track your Store Credit. Simply LOGIN HERE to view your dashboard after creating your account.  Be sure to save these links and then SAVE your password/login information 

When you share your affiliate link - you may also share YOUR DISCOUNT CODE. Your client will receive that code to use on their purchase- when using YOUR link (only.) Must spend $115+ for the coupon code to apply. 

As an affiliate you may refer one time or a 100 times. 

There is no limit on how many times you may refer! The more you share the more credits you can earn. 

You may NOT refer yourself, sorry.

Please note: We have the right to decline/cancel any affiliate at anytime with zero warning or explanation.  


This program is not available for use on any discounted/sale item.